20061022日到11月上旬,我參加了衣索匹亞第一屆的USAID產區之旅暨圓桌會議... (註:特別感謝壞馬在我出國前幫忙趕製的power point,這些資料會場博得好評,20份精美的簡介,也被索取一空,回國後,還收到與會者的感謝函)


About Orsir


Orsir Coffee Co., was created in 1993 and is one of the first artisan micro roast company in Taiwan .

We offering a worldwide range of specialty and single origin coffees to Taiwan coffee lovers and provide coffee information and share our coffee knowledge to them.

 Our website right now have more than half million people to visit every year and is the most rich coffee information for Taiwanese and Chinese. 


Our mission


(1)   Offering specific traceability and quality coffee around the world .

(2)   Customized roasted coffee and cupped every batch to make sure the quality.

(3) Teach and educate coffee brewing method lead customer enjoy   

    the great  flavor of  specilty coffee .


Connects Taiwan to Origin


For the purpose of promoting specialty coffee to Taiwan , we are sourcing specific origin fine coffee and fresh roasting locally. Our concept is to connect Taiwan people TO coffee rigin and build up relationship with the growers. We try to find the best coffee in the world so we visit the coffee farm where we bought their coffee and learn how they plant, harvest, process, care about their environment, labor wealth, sustainability when came back we share our passion and these coffee experience to our customer.

 We had visited coffee reigns of Mexico , Costa Rica , Guatemala , Honduras , Nicaragua , El Salvador , Panama , Cuba , Hawaill Kona , Colombia .


Participate Taiwan coffee event


we are one of the founders of Taiwan Coffee Association and participate the main coffee events in Taiwan such as Taiwan Barista Competition and held many coffee group cupping and regional coffee lovers’ barista competition and coffee course in Teaching City .


Ethiopia coffee in Taiwan


   [Early period]


The Ethiopia coffee as an origin coffee in Taiwan was more than 30 years ,when people said Mocha coffee it actually was Ethiopia coffee ( especially means Dijmma) they only know about Mocha coffee and think the coffee with more acidity than Brazil or Mandhelin coffee.


    [Present time]


There are some important coffee facts about Ethiopia coffee in Taiwan :

(1)   Ethiopia coffee are famous as single origin coffee in Taiwan: the most popular coffee are Djimma, Harra ,Yirgacheffe

(2)   More barista asking the roaster to provide Ethiopia coffee as their offering list to the customer as single origin or blending.  In the hot summer season the iced coffee were huge demand so roaster used dark roasted Djimma as the major blending coffee; right now more roaster use the Ethiopia coffee as their espresso blend.

(3)There is some interesting brewing tool in Taiwan ’s coffee shop: manual drip and Siphon method (vacuum method). Barista likes to use these tow method to brew the single origin coffee; for example, almost every café who roast their own coffee offering Yirgacheffe in their manful for their customer.


Our vision with Ethiopia coffee 


(1)   Keep seeking specific Ethiopia coffee: that was really amazing flavor when we cupped the Grade 1 washed Yirgacheffe which was purchased from Japan trader last year, so we decided to keep purchase the unique flavor coffee from Ethiopia that including some 2005 e Café winning lots.  

(2)   Connects the value of Ethiopia coffee to Taiwan people: That’s why we joining this plan to visit Ethiopia and will make a deep report to the coffee lovers in Taiwan and Chinese area.

(3)   Explore excellence Ethiopia coffee flavor experience to Taiwan : Not only as espresso blending but also as an unique flavor as singleoriginal coffee. The Ethiopia coffee has great flavor and aroma, the lemon citrus and coffee blooming notes of Yirgacheffe , the chocolate and caramel sweet with full body of natural Sidamo and the floral berry-like Harrar,the more information the more people here will loving these coffee !  




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